$ \newcommand{\cc}[1]{\color{black}{#1}} \newcommand{\mvec}[1]{\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand{\cvec}[2]{^\mathrm{#2}\mathbf{#1}} \newcommand{\ctrans}[3]{^\mathrm{#3}\mathbf{#1}_\mathrm{#2}} $



Sometimes distance or other measurements are available that can act as constraints for tag and body poses. For example, one can measure the distance between two tags with a laser. Or a large number of tags are pinned against the same, straight wall such that the $y$ coordinate of all tags is known. TagSLAM has been designed such that implementation of new measurement constraints should be modular and fairly straight forward.

When measurements refer to tags, the following convention for orientation of the tag and corner numbering is assumed:

tag corners

Distance measurements

If you have a laser pointer, you can measure the distances between tag corners, and enter them like this into tagslam.yaml:

  - my_measurement_1:
      tag1: 24
      tag2: 60
      corner1: 0
      corner2: 0
      distance: 6.017
      noise: 0.0002
  - my_measurement_2:
      tag1: 29
      tag2: 60
      corner1: 0
      corner2: 0
      distance: 6.002
      noise: 0.00159

The noise parameter should be set according to the expected accuracy of the measurement (in meters), and will determine how strongly that constraint will enter the optimization process.

Once tagslam has completed, you can find an error analysis file in $HOME/.ros/distance_diagnostics.txt. The meaning of the columns is as follows:

optimizer |optimzed-
error     |measured   optimzed    measured     name of measurement
19.515 diff: -0.001   opt:  6.016 meas:  6.017 my_measurement_1
 0.001 diff:  0.001   opt:  6.003 meas:  6.002 my_measurement_2

Coordinate measurements

Coordinate measurements are a way to impose constraints on the absolute coordinates of the corner of a given tag. The following example (in tagslam.yaml) sets the coordinates along the direction [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], i.e. the $z$-axis, of corner zero (bottom left) tags 6 and 17 to a known value.

  - tag6_z:
      tag: 6
      corner: 0
      length: 2.070
      noise: 0.010
      direction: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  - tag17_z:
      tag: 17
      corner: 0
      length: 0.619
      noise: 0.010
      direction: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]

The noise parameter should be set according to the expected accuracy of the measurement (in meters), and will determine how strongly that constraint will enter the optimization process.

Once tagslam has completed, you can find an error analysis file in $HOME/.ros/coordinate_diagnostics.txt. The meaning of the columns is as follows:

optimizer |optimzed-
error     |measured optimzed    measured     name of measurement
 0.000 diff:  0.000 opt:  2.070 meas:  2.070 tag6_z
 0.000 diff: -0.000 opt:  0.619 meas:  0.619 tag17_z

Plane measurements

Use this feature to constrain the center of tags to be in a plane. The plane is given by the normal vector (direction) and its distance to the origin (in meters). This feature is useful if your tags are e.g. scattered on the floor or stuck to wall that you know is planar. The noise gives the uncertainty [in m] by which the tags are in the plane. Note that this does not constrain the orientation of the tags at all. Example:

  - plane_1:
      tags: [32, , 70, 65, 66, 67]
      distance: 0.0
      noise: 0.01
      direction: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]

The error output can be found in $HOME/.ros/coordinate_diagnostics.txt. For explanation of the fields, see coordinate measurements (above).